Around the Planets in 24 Hours A WebQuest for 3rd Grade (Science and Language Arts) Designed by
Jodi Hruska, Vanessa Meyer, Alison Helgoth
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion Intro
the past few weeks, our students have been learning about the Solar System.
For a Webquest we decided to have the students explore different sites
about the Solar System. We want
students to explore the planets and make a story detailing what the different
planets are like and include scientific information.
The students should make this a creative and fun learning experience. The Task
You and your team of astronauts are the main protectors of
the universe from the United States. You have spent a huge amount of time in
outer space observing all the delights of space. You have discovered planets,
comets, stars, and other goodies form the beyond. Come back to Earth and tell
your thrilling story.
Big Question: What
are the things that you have learned from our nine planets?
1. You are only allowed to pick two other teammates. 2. Select two planets and use the provided sites to help you find your information to tell your story when you get back to Earth. https://members.tripod.com/JayHind/Pvenus.html http://www.seds.org/nineplanets/nineplanets/nineplanets.html http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/planets/welcome/mars.htm http://www.planetscapes.com/solar/eng/mercury.htm http://ringmaster.arc.nasa.gov/uranus/uranus.html http://www.solarviews.com/eng/homepage.htm http://www.nasm.edu/ceps/etp/pluto/ http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/worldbook/atozscience/i/279523.html http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/academy/space/solarsystem/solarsystemjava.html http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/features/planets/planetsfeat.html 3. After you have gathered your data from your planets, you and your team will design your report about the trip. 4. Present to America (the class), your weird and out of this world experience by showing your data and creative designs. Learning Advice
Here is a helpful outline for you and your team to use while searching. You may look further than the websites we have listed for you. You and your team will
be evaluated by the following criteria.
on your dangerous adventure to the universe! You have done a marvelous job
coming home safely and you will receive a certificate for your hard work. |